Online Access Demo

Teal Group offers online access to all our products through the web. Contact our Sales Staff to obtain a user ID and password for online access. Instructions for accessing the Online Demo are found below. You will only have access to the Online Demo product.

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read the reports on the online access site.


How To Access The Demo

1. The Client Logon on screen will appear:

User ID/email:

2. Type in the Demo User ID (2306) and the Demo Password (teal).

3. A list of Teal Group Products will appear on the next screen.

4. You will have access to the online demo and you will be able to see what is available in other services. Accessible reports will appear as clickable text in red under the Title of the Briefing. You will not be able to access reports in unsubscribed services. These report titles will appear as normal text in black.

5. Click on "Online Demo". The various briefing titles will appear. Click on a section and the sample reports in that section will appear. At this point you can click on the sample report to access the file.

To inquire about online access and site licenses please contact Mr. Tim Storey.
