Product FAQ

What is Teal Group's Tax ID Number?

The TIN for Teal Group Corporation is 75-2208601.  

How can I get a W-9 form from Teal Group?

Email Customer Service to request a W-9 form to be sent to you.  

How do I get a User ID# and Password to access the online data?

A User ID# and Password is issued via e-mail after an online product is purchased.  

How often are reports updated?

Reports are generally updated at least once during a twelve month subscription. There are occasions when a report is updated more than once if there is a lot of activity for a program or a company.  

Are the forecast spreadsheets provided in Excel format, so the data can be manipulated?

Yes, spreadsheet data is provided in Microsoft Excel 2013 format, which is backwards compatible with both 2007 and 2010 Microsoft Excel versions.
